
TheSystemUpdateReadinessTool(CheckSUR)isadownloadableutilityfromMicrosoftthatcanbeusedtofixavarietyofproblemsrelatedtoWindowsupdates.,SystemUpdateReadinessToolforWindowsServer2008R2forItanium-basedSystems(KB947821)[October2014],WindowsServer2008R2;SystemUpdateReadiness ...,RemovetheinconsistencyintheWindowsservicingstorewhichmaypreventthesuccessfulinstallationoffutureupdates,servicepacks,andso...

How to repair Windows Update Issues with the SUR ...

The System Update Readiness Tool (CheckSUR) is a downloadable utility from Microsoft that can be used to fix a variety of problems related to Windows updates.

System Update Readiness Tool

System Update Readiness Tool for Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems (KB947821) [October 2014], Windows Server 2008 R2 ; System Update Readiness ...

System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 (32

Remove the inconsistency in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the successful installation of future updates, service packs, and software.

System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 (64

Remove the inconsistency in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the successful installation of future updates, service packs, and software.

System Update Readiness Tool for Windows 7 for x64-x32

2010年11月24日 — This tool is being offered because an inconsistency was found in the Windows servicing store which may prevent the successful installation of future updates.